Alex Tannenbaum Profile Image
👋  Hello! I'm Alex Tannenbaum. Im a Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, with lots of frontend experience.

I love coding and finding solutions to make a product better.

Thanks for visiting my site on a mobile device :-). Love to have a Mobile first mindset when developing webapps using grid, flexbox and media query's (and the occasional js User Agent device identification).

I have been developing web technologies for over 14 years, I love to get my hands dirty with new tech and never afraid of a challenge.

Some of the many technologies I work with daily are: Javascript, Shell, Python, PHP, REACT, CSS, HTML, Responsive UI, Node.js, Wordpress, Linux, SQL, git and more...

Fun Fact - The stars change position every time you reload the page. - WOW, A developer that can write Javascript HTML CSS and be creative! so cool!

Checkout my GitHub account:

Click here to checkout my Github Account in a new window

Also, here's a formal copy of my most up to date Resume ( yawn.. boring..)

Want to see my resume as a mobile friendly resposinve webpage?

Click here to link up with me on linked in: